Computer Hardware is the combination of physical components or parts that makes the computer system. Physical components include monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard disk drive, graphic card, RAM, motherboard, etc. Networking is the field of computer science that allows computers to exchange data or information.
Hardware (A+)
- Introduction
- Microprocessor
- Memory
- Motherboard
- Hard disk Drive
- Optical Disk Drive
- Keyboard and mouse
- Monitor
- Assembling and Disassembling a PC & Os installation
- I/O Ports and Devices
- Working with bios/cmos
- Working with Portable PC
- Working With Printer
- Scanners
- Preventive Maintenance and material recycling
- Hardware troubleshooting & Server Hardware
Networking (n+)
- Introduction to computer network
- Topology
- Transmission Media
- Ethernet and other Network Architecture
- Network protocols
- IP addressing
- OSI Model
- Internetworking Devices
- Installing a wired and wireless Network
- Internet connection and sharing
- Trouble shooting Network Problems